Driveway & Patio Specialists Kent

Block Paved House Entrance in Ashford, Kent

Town / Area: Ashford, UK
Type of work:
Block Paving Work
Block Paved House Entrance In Ashford, Kent (4)

Preparation Summary:

Dug out and removed the area, Graded off the surface, Redesigned the layout of the area, New recessed inspection chambers, Supplied and installed MOT Type 1 foundation, Supplied and installed membrane sheeting, Erected new brick walls

Paving Installation

Supplied and installed a sand / grit base for laying paving, Installed paving on top of the sand, Laid the paving in a °90 degree herringbone pattern, The paving used was block paving, All open edges of paving set in concrete, Machine vibrated and compacted the paving

Main Colour: Brindle

Border Colour: Charcoal

More Work In: Ashford, UK

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